Hertfordshire Cricket offer a variety of benefits to clubs who affiliate by paying their membership to Hertfordshire County Cricket Association each year.
The affiliation year runs from 1st January to the 31st December
Hertfordshire Clubs should Primary Affiliate to Hertfordshire Cricket, Clubs that primary affiliate to another County but play in a Hertfordshire League, must affiliate at an Associate level. Full details of these packages and the different criteria can be found in the Affiliation Package Brochure, which can be found HERE or downloaded at the bottom of this page.
Affiliation prices to HCCA for 2024 remain the same as 2023:
• £100.00 (Primary - reduced to £75 for those Clubs with only one team on main playing day)
• £50.00 (Associate)
This year, we are asking for payment and the completion of an online form by 01 February 2024. The online Affiliation form will be sent out to clubs via email. As well as the benefits and support available, Affiliation to Hertfordshire Cricket allows clubs the chance to update us with accurate contact information. This enables us to provide clubs with the most up to date, regular information and club support – we rely on the contact information for club officers to be correct. If your AGM is after the deadline date of 01 February 2024, we ask you to provide information as up to date as possible before the deadline and update us once any changes are made within your club.
Club Affiliation forms will be sent out via email to clubs on Friday 1st December 2023. This will be sent via email to your Club Main Contact, Secretary and Treasurer and will include a link to the online form. The link below takes you directly to this form.
If you require any further information with regards to the Affiliation Packages or any of the benefits associated with them, please contact Dominic Chatfield, Club and Community Manager on 07530 878930 or email us at clubaffiliations@hertscricket.org